Thursday, March 7, 2013


This has been a weird week so far.

After helping me pick up a huge stack of children's books I'd accidentally scattered all over the floor of the public library, this random guy asked me out to coffee, and I was a little bit surprised by how drawn-out and awkward my 'no, thanks' was (for future reference, saying "I don't know" and "Not right now" doesn't deter a potential suitor from standing there expectantly for wayyy longer than necessary. An "I have a boyfriend" would have been much more succinct and honest). 

When I got up one morning to go to the bathroom a big black spider fell right in front of my face (from the ceiling?? I have no idea where those things come from). I was too sleepy to be terrified and only said "Oh my gosh!" in a placid tone of voice and composedly smushed it with a kleenex. 

In the dining commons, I was waiting in line for the peanut butter, watching some guy slather a piece of bread with a shocking amount of jelly. He was taking an awfully long time, and I thought we could have a little bonding moment together, so I said, "Getting your fruit intake for the day, huh?" which he made no response and promptly walked away. So much for an attempt at humor. 

While I was driving, the Mapquest app on my phone decided to stop working and repeatedly tried to get me to turn the WRONG way on a one-way street downtown. I found myself quite disconcerted. The phone started squawking "recalculating!" every time I made the executive decision not to head directly into oncoming traffic. 

I took the toddler I babysit on a walk to a little park. As I was holding him back from joining the ducks and turtles in the pond (which he seemed very keen on doing), a couple of people nearby starting chatting with me. They asked if I was his mother, and when I said no, they asked, "But someday, right? You look like you could be a mother. You'd make a great mother." Um, thanks?! 

I heard some Christian radio host break down on live air over the plethora of social media  choices she felt she had to keep up with... not sure if she was actually crying or just getting really worked up, but it was a bit disturbing.

I guess we never quite know what to expect.


  1. This post made me laugh, and made me think.

    That's the sign of a good writer.

    1. That is a wonderful thing.

      Thank you so much Leah, that means a lot to me coming from a good writer like yourself. <3
